Monday, October 19, 2009

I Can Think Of Nothing Better Than...the beat is coming from within

I can think of no better place for me to be at this moment then to have my fingers pump out the beat that is coming from within...

Somehow I have slowed down to speed up...i know that deep inside me so much is much is changing for me...and it is becoming bigger, more and more is coming into my awareness that I just want to slow down to speed up...

Take care of my body as I hear the screams from within...information is moving so fast in my head area that I can't even keep up to the speed...I don't have to, I just have to let it go, let it move, let it release, dissolve, and integrate into my whole...

Where do I find my sacred space to open up to the places that make a difference to me? How does this look for me? What beliefs do I still carry that are limiting me? Maybe, it is about believing in what I already have... What values do I not speak up about that matter to me, and may seem somewhat "common sense" to others. Yes, it is none of my business what others think of me - yet where do I not speak up when I need to and it seems like common sense to someone else - a presupposition that may be made and I don't speak my own truth.

Fire is truly burning brightly in me these days...I see that it is the fire that makes a difference to moving forward to a rich in meaning life. It is not about forgiveness and being gentle - oh yeah, I love my life to be wonderfully peaceful most of the time. Yet, it is about this moment where I am experiencing such fire in my body that it will transform me in the nano-second.

This morning I am "tired" yet know that as the day and weeks move forward I will see the genius of my own evolution...I have been brave all my life and know that I no longer need to be brave alone.

So many amazing people are coming into my life...and all I need to do today is breathe!