Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I AM No Longer Wanting To Do This Alone. Welcome to my Interactive Blog!

I'm back! I'm back for me, and now want a connection to you...I have been away from "blogging" for the past two weeks. And guess what I have discovered, it is something that lights me up! It sources me! It gives me pleasure! It expands my world...!


It took being away for awhile, to know that this is WHO I AM!!!

I started going away from myself, forgetting who I am, especially in the last couple of blogs I wrote. There was so much "rage" turned in on myself warping back into my intellect, thinking that I was not moving forward. That I didn't deserve to give myself SPACE. You know what, I did my 'strategy' i do the best...to just turn in on myself...sound familiar to you?

I am interested in starting right now to have a interactive blog. What that means to me, is that I no longer want to be alone blogging. I welcome all your comments. I welcome what comes up for you when I blog. I welcome CONNECTION to you and others!

If you like what I am writing, invite others...

Right now, I am feeling better then I did when I woke up this morning. I am clear that I want more. I am clear that if I continue to do want I do not want to do, my body will let me know...

I am clear that I want to meet more women/young adults/people that are also looking for a different way to move through their world. Yes, they are finding as well, their life is not working and don't know any other way. And not even saying a word to anyone else - yet in their bodies experiencing "dis-ease".

I offer the different way. I invite a whole new way of looking at my "life". I have many experiences in my body that I can share that can make a difference to you - if you choose. I have done the whole gamete and nothing was "freeing" me until this past year.

I am a teacher by profession and love sharing my own evolution; and maybe to offer insight into yours. I am building a buissness within the WEL-Sytems context.

So, I would love to hear from you...

Lately, I have found that it is up to me to invite myself - (oh boy, sounds like a lot of "politically correct" rules there) otherwise, no one would ever no that I really want/desire to be part of that experience and with those chosen people. Yes, this is a whole new way for me to look at my world. Do you ever wonder why you are left out of the loop? And can't imagine why?

I look forward to the amazing potential and possibilities that blogging "interactively" will invite to my world, as well, your world...

Welcome to my "interactive" blog!!!

Hey, I am not "holding" my breathe right now! Nor clapping my mouth closed, locking my jaw. I would say that is not to shabby for asking what I want to welcome into my life now...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Reclaiming my life and looking at it differently

Lately, more and more of my age group is thinking or retiring from their occupations. In particular I have one person that when he announced his retirement a year ago; his health has gone down and has aged in looks.

What is really happening? He is mortgage free, lots of money to carry him into his future - truly no concerns there...isn't retirement a place where you can go and do everything that you wanted to do when you couldn't because of 'work' or 'family' or 'whatever' got in it way. Wow, have I changed my belief on that one (in a later blog).

Something that is coming into my reality right now...and I extend the thought out, that he may, on a subconcous level he believes that he is not going to be making a 'contribution' anymore? His Identity is changing and what thoughts is he allowing himself to have or having that is changing his health that is hindering him? Lots happening and only when I talk to that person can it be revealed to what is going on with him.

What I have been becoming more aware of is just that...becoming more aware of awareness. One awareness that is potent in my life is the notion of "change". We have all heard, "you are only as old as you think you are". It has deeper implications then just the cliche.

What is a thought?

I believe, it is a impulse of energy/information for the body to metabolize, to know more of who you are becoming.

So, what is coming up with me right now, is the thought of, "I am joyus, healthy, fit, with loads of vitality".

Is that what I was telling myself these past two years? What is also resonating with me is that in this moment I can choose. I can choose to say that I am a "joyus, healthy, fit, with loads of vitality". In fact, more and more, I want to improve in my fitness level and vigor everyday. Or I can tell myself something "fear based".

An awareness that is also potent is, the shift in my reality. I no longer able to even entertain certain thoughts because my core value is no longer "true" to what I held as my reality. My "reality" has changed...

I know for myself, this is a new belief, one that i am getting louder and clearer. My body carries with it the intelligence for me - sole purpose is to sustain the body. No body, I am not here.

I am choosing right now that my body is "new" at every minute. We know from science that all of our organs, skin, etc is replaced time and time again. For example, the skin replaces itself once a week, the stomach lining every five days, the liver every six weeks, and the skeleton every three months to name a few.

Why does society - the collective, continually want to think of the body as decaying over time, and not rethink "freeing" thoughts of "vitality, amazing health, clarity of mind, joy" into retirement, later days of life!

Hmm, lots to think about. What has changed in my life is I have found some playmates that are also up for meaningful conversations - stuff that matters to them. This blog or converstion would have been in isolation, hidden before, something I would not share; I would of thought it was "way out" there. I think differently now... the question I ask, "how does "decaying of the body" or "youthfulness in elder years" manifest? Can I change my own reality to a even healthier body in my aging years? Lots for me to ponder and ask the bigger questions...

trust your self

I am sitting in 'chaos' right now and that it good...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I am RE-Dicovery PLEASURE! It is more then "Good Nutrition".

I'm getting clearer, and clearer, of finding time to do the things I value for MYSELF and hanging out with the people I choose to be with. And recently had a conversation with my husband that I choose to be with a partner that chooses HIMSELF first, as well. My life is getting more simpler, clearer, effortless and I am manifesting what lights me up (trust me, I can also manifest things that don't light me up if I choose to...) the difference today, is the knowing in the next breathe I can choose differently...

Last night was a beautiful example to me, choosing mindfully, of spending time with our New Zealand friend's that we have known for over 20 years that was truly meaningful to me. It was not forced, I am who I am, no firing off in my body, it is just pure and simple time chatting, laughing, being and hangin'.

One great pleasure that was there for me last night and something that we have always shared with this couple - is our cultures (New Zealand and Canadian) and also our love for amazing, yummy, tasty, wholesome food that we enjoy together as well - during our meal, my mouth was dancing with flavour, my taste buds were heighten with delight! It was a whole sympathy of PLEASURE!

The next thought that comes into my mind...or am I experiencing the "hit" in the body right now...I take a look around at different culture's because I experience many in my own extended family. Food means so much more then just good nutrition. Actually, in my high school days I worked at a Polish hall and the women taught me then, that food is a 'community' gathering - what does that mean?

Food is the focal point, centred and shared, for to recognize someone in the community for whatever, food was always a GREAT PLEASURE. It would take hours to prepare the "meal", including at times, the night before coming in to help out with getting a start on many dishes. This is bringing up warm memories for me. The earnest, love and care that each of these women and men would have, all for the preparation to the food, that would be enjoyed at the meal means more then good nutrition.

I wonder when food is being prepared out of this much love, care and desire is the value of it's nutrition content become higher?

Higher because of the vibration? Higher because of the cultural diversity being honored through "food"? Higher because of one's IDENTITY?

I remember being in the other part of the hall, after everyone was served and whoever was working, we would come together and have our "dinner" as well. OH, the memories of the huge platters that would come in - we could have whatever we wanted to satisfy our succulent appetite - enjoying the gathering of us, typically many of us attending the same high school, laughing and chatting, AND at the same time, remembering that we had to go back out and clean up HA! HA!

To add, I loved the different languages that were spoken at this Polish Hall, and even though I didn't understand the many languages, I felt a vibration in my own body, knowing that I belonged. It was through the process of preparing the 'feast' that always took on a exciting potential to what was emerging...I could feel it, as time went on getting closer to the 'festive event' that sparks were gaining momentum...

I think of my own self these past years when I became really ill. I look at how "stressed out" my body was. I know that my body didn't digest my food. It was too busy trying to keep it safe (the fight or flight response). Keeping my inside world safe - the knowing that my outside world was safe or unsafe, was just that - I turned inward to my own internal state...that is where my journey has been, staying in my body knowing I am safe, in my body...what ever unfolds...

Another pop, and I may seem all over the place with this blog...Hmm, when we were in France years ago, something that I have always marvelled at and pay attention to is the way the French culture move through their world. They seem to have this notion of, you can eat anything that you want, over a long period of time. They would spend hours in the evening having their meal, drinking their red wine, chatting, socializing, and eating again. And they are a "healthy" culture. It is more then just good "nutrition"...

It has been interesting to me, this past month, that another layer, is presenting something for me to be aware of. I have been having this gnawing urge to go for "empty" carbohydrates. Something that resonates with me is that I have a knowing in my own body that processed foods don't fit well with my body. Okay, if I know this, then what is the pull to desire, or eat "empty" carbohydrates - yes, in the form of processed foods, Right now, I may not even care about trans-fats, white sugar mixed in there, I eat them anyway...I know this 'zaps' my energy by eating this way, something I haven't done for months...it is more then nutrition - and I am pleased to say, today how quickly I turn this around, not pushing the river, nor turn this around out of "will and determination"...

This is a different way that i choose to move through my world. Yes, I don't even "beat myself up" anymore because I have had resolution in my body - it is gone, and giving me a whole new way I choose to move through my world. I would of been so skeptical of someone, watching someone to re-claim their health, yet what I have experienced of re-claiming my health back, my life is getting fuller, more interesting...what is great for me, is that I am continually losing weight, and have been since February of this year, 2008, when I was in a WEL-Systems program called Emerging Futures : Entrepreneurial Women. How is that so?

A suggestion is to go to www.WEL-Systems.com and also read Louise Lebrun's blogs, her Emerging Future's and Women Gathering blogs, as well as reading other's on her blogging community, and pay attention to what is firing off in your body...there is a lot of PLEASURE of becoming truthful to what you know in your own body - has it always been easy for me? NO! Yet right now, I am becoming aware that life is rich, zestful and PLEASURABLE TO LIVE!

I am re-discovery PLEASURE! Pleasure in my life. Pleasure with people I choose to be with. Pleasure with taking "Space" for me. Pleasure for allowing myself time to think about something that matters to me - even though someone is insisting on their answer right now. Pleasure with living in the here and now. Pleasure in spending time with people I want to enjoy, centred around different cultural dishes! Pleasure in knowing that people in my life are standing tall in who they are becoming and choosing themselves first. Pleasure in knowing the next moment I don't have a clue of what is coming, and I know when I choose mindfully, it will be amazing! Pleasure of re-discovery the love I have of travel. Pleasure in the dance of flavor of different foods!

I am declaring right now that i am making food a bigger priority in my life. It is more then good nutrition. No longer am I going to slip back and not mindfully prepare - and believe it doesn't matter this time to eat whatever. Wow! An open loop! I am going to mindfully find time to do what I value - i am on the edge of understanding what it means to me to change the way I eat beyond "good nutrition"!

Trust your self!