Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Reclaiming my life and looking at it differently

Lately, more and more of my age group is thinking or retiring from their occupations. In particular I have one person that when he announced his retirement a year ago; his health has gone down and has aged in looks.

What is really happening? He is mortgage free, lots of money to carry him into his future - truly no concerns there...isn't retirement a place where you can go and do everything that you wanted to do when you couldn't because of 'work' or 'family' or 'whatever' got in it way. Wow, have I changed my belief on that one (in a later blog).

Something that is coming into my reality right now...and I extend the thought out, that he may, on a subconcous level he believes that he is not going to be making a 'contribution' anymore? His Identity is changing and what thoughts is he allowing himself to have or having that is changing his health that is hindering him? Lots happening and only when I talk to that person can it be revealed to what is going on with him.

What I have been becoming more aware of is just that...becoming more aware of awareness. One awareness that is potent in my life is the notion of "change". We have all heard, "you are only as old as you think you are". It has deeper implications then just the cliche.

What is a thought?

I believe, it is a impulse of energy/information for the body to metabolize, to know more of who you are becoming.

So, what is coming up with me right now, is the thought of, "I am joyus, healthy, fit, with loads of vitality".

Is that what I was telling myself these past two years? What is also resonating with me is that in this moment I can choose. I can choose to say that I am a "joyus, healthy, fit, with loads of vitality". In fact, more and more, I want to improve in my fitness level and vigor everyday. Or I can tell myself something "fear based".

An awareness that is also potent is, the shift in my reality. I no longer able to even entertain certain thoughts because my core value is no longer "true" to what I held as my reality. My "reality" has changed...

I know for myself, this is a new belief, one that i am getting louder and clearer. My body carries with it the intelligence for me - sole purpose is to sustain the body. No body, I am not here.

I am choosing right now that my body is "new" at every minute. We know from science that all of our organs, skin, etc is replaced time and time again. For example, the skin replaces itself once a week, the stomach lining every five days, the liver every six weeks, and the skeleton every three months to name a few.

Why does society - the collective, continually want to think of the body as decaying over time, and not rethink "freeing" thoughts of "vitality, amazing health, clarity of mind, joy" into retirement, later days of life!

Hmm, lots to think about. What has changed in my life is I have found some playmates that are also up for meaningful conversations - stuff that matters to them. This blog or converstion would have been in isolation, hidden before, something I would not share; I would of thought it was "way out" there. I think differently now... the question I ask, "how does "decaying of the body" or "youthfulness in elder years" manifest? Can I change my own reality to a even healthier body in my aging years? Lots for me to ponder and ask the bigger questions...

trust your self

I am sitting in 'chaos' right now and that it good...

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