Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I AM No Longer Wanting To Do This Alone. Welcome to my Interactive Blog!

I'm back! I'm back for me, and now want a connection to you...I have been away from "blogging" for the past two weeks. And guess what I have discovered, it is something that lights me up! It sources me! It gives me pleasure! It expands my world...!


It took being away for awhile, to know that this is WHO I AM!!!

I started going away from myself, forgetting who I am, especially in the last couple of blogs I wrote. There was so much "rage" turned in on myself warping back into my intellect, thinking that I was not moving forward. That I didn't deserve to give myself SPACE. You know what, I did my 'strategy' i do the best...to just turn in on myself...sound familiar to you?

I am interested in starting right now to have a interactive blog. What that means to me, is that I no longer want to be alone blogging. I welcome all your comments. I welcome what comes up for you when I blog. I welcome CONNECTION to you and others!

If you like what I am writing, invite others...

Right now, I am feeling better then I did when I woke up this morning. I am clear that I want more. I am clear that if I continue to do want I do not want to do, my body will let me know...

I am clear that I want to meet more women/young adults/people that are also looking for a different way to move through their world. Yes, they are finding as well, their life is not working and don't know any other way. And not even saying a word to anyone else - yet in their bodies experiencing "dis-ease".

I offer the different way. I invite a whole new way of looking at my "life". I have many experiences in my body that I can share that can make a difference to you - if you choose. I have done the whole gamete and nothing was "freeing" me until this past year.

I am a teacher by profession and love sharing my own evolution; and maybe to offer insight into yours. I am building a buissness within the WEL-Sytems context.

So, I would love to hear from you...

Lately, I have found that it is up to me to invite myself - (oh boy, sounds like a lot of "politically correct" rules there) otherwise, no one would ever no that I really want/desire to be part of that experience and with those chosen people. Yes, this is a whole new way for me to look at my world. Do you ever wonder why you are left out of the loop? And can't imagine why?

I look forward to the amazing potential and possibilities that blogging "interactively" will invite to my world, as well, your world...

Welcome to my "interactive" blog!!!

Hey, I am not "holding" my breathe right now! Nor clapping my mouth closed, locking my jaw. I would say that is not to shabby for asking what I want to welcome into my life now...

1 comment:

sarah said...

hi marie,

I am looking for meaningful connections as well...they seem to be very few lately..... and its a great source of light when you in the middle of a room surrounded by mirrors:)