Monday, September 21, 2009

Letting that Immense Fire to Be Funneled and Released

I opened up this blog, went upstairs for a tea, and made a toast with slathers of peanut butter smoothed on top...

Now is that not stopping the immensity of this 'fire' that is going through me right now!!!!

An hour ago I was 'disturbed' by work man outside my door. They are paving our crescent today and we have not be informed - no one has been notified in the crescent. The lack of respect I am feeling right now is going through me, and is not flowing with whom I am in the world, and this is only information for me to move, and know more of myself. I am not my past, and it presents itself for me to know the next decloaking...I'm staying right here, right now...

After all, this is "all about me"... sigh!

I went to the middle of my road, and the workman/machine stopped and I asked, "I want to speak to the head supervisor, right here, right now". I stood there in the middle of my road and after time the supervisor came with his worker.

As the supervisor and other man were approaching me, they were making jokes of it all. As they were in front of me, I said right out, "this is very disrespectful and why were we not informed prior?" I breathed....A huge story came out of the supervisor's mouth and he was certain of his own take, and wanting to go into "icebergs interacting". Again I breathed...I was very clear and spoke directly, "this is not about blaming, this is about not informing us beforehand". My back of my sheen's shook while I was speaking up and out, and noticed at times it would stop, and start up again. Thank God I know what I I was clear of what I was wanting to say for myself.

I am going to stay with this as more and more will reveal itself, for me to know more about myself. It is not for me to "explode" and tell him "off" as i would of years ago. No, it is about letting that immense fire to be funnelled through my body and released. I am really going to stay with this all day, not the "make up more stories" yet the immensity of my fire. I do have a client in the afternoon and it will be interesting for me, as she parks her car on the North Service Road and walks in the crescent (on the lawns ) to arrive at my house. It is not about her, yet, about me on how I want to present myself to the world as I am moving out, my "business" is expanding. There is more to pay attention to...

How many times do I speak up like this, because i think to myself, oh well, they have started? How many times do I feel a sense of "not for me" and I have signed the contract? How many times do I accept an invitation and "it doesn't feel right". And how many times do I choose what I want - this is what I want, to go right into this "fire" - not easy, not fun, yet I have a bigger understanding of my self in this moment - that my voice matters, as well, all the voices in this crescent!!! We deserve "respect" by putting out a notice beforehand!!! Simple...And I am speaking up when I believe I am not receiving respect.

I don't live my life "flat-lined" anymore - I live from a place of so much joy and am attracting others in my life that live from that place as well. There are many people in my life, recently, that are manifesting what they want for themselves. I AM manifesting what I want for myself! Hmm, I respect myself...and I will speak up for the group, when it matters to me! This is freeing for me because I have always "waited" myself down because i thought I had to speak up for the group no matter if it meant my own truth or not. This time it is matters to me, and I spoke up for the group. I am so clear that it is not about what I think it is about. Speaking up when it matters to me, and speaking up for the group, first and only, because it matters to me. Saying it again...I only speak up for the group when it matters to me. I have always been a person to "stir the pot" and to re-claim that awareness of myself right now is freeing...and how I don't have the gaps I use to experience as now I'm clear, open, and direct and make sense to me, as well to others, respecting myself of the "immense" fire that has always wanted to move through me. Imagine a world that we respect ourselves and respect others for who they are!!!...I am going to continue to let this rumble...

I'll be back,

Trust YourSelf

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