Monday, March 10, 2008

How did I lose 20 lbs. in these last 3 weeks?

Here I am, knowing that I am not alone anymore. This past week has been a week of complete rest. My body has been extremely tired and I listened. I must add, not until I fell on the ice this past week, entirely layed out on the ice, as my dog was wanting to push ahead, did I really pay attention to my own physical tiredness.
My husband has been reading my blogs and commented that my sentence structure, grammar, incomplete sentences didn't make sense. Somehow I just look over with open up a conversation that was amazing for me. I talked about when I am blogging it is about my impulses moving in/thru my body, my body's intelligent speaking and not my 'brains' intelligent. Sounds weird to some, yet I know this has given me and incredible opportunity to allow and invite what wants to come out deep in my cells to come out. Maybe, this is the first time I have ever had the opportunity to speak out about something that matters to me and yes, maybe has been locked down for years. Not all stuff that is tragic yet stuff that has meaning to me, and I am not even aware that it places that importance for me. I am very grateful for this opportunity and know as I said at the first of this blog, I am not alone anymore - all i do is ask, and meaningful people to me will show up in my life!
Well, I didn't want to announce this at first when I came back from EF:EW, but the scales are saying as of yesterday that I have lost 20 lbs. - and that has been only in these past three weeks.
I know that I am letting go of old beliefs that are really not 'serving' me anymore. I will talk a lot more about weight loss in blogs to come. What has made sense to me, is that I discovered something very different then what I held as a belief. Yes, of course, I use to beat myself up when I would put on more weight and then was in disbelief when I would start losing weight.
What I did notice, that on many occasions over this past week, I was so fired up in my body to do something, say something and how I allowed myself to believe that no it was okay to let someone else, say what they need to say, or do what they need to do. Then, my own fire was not honoured by me and it would turn inward. So it is not about the times I would not mind but rather the times it matters to me to speak up, and out and let the full potential of who I am becoming, out - in other words, it is when I am extremely high energy that I allow myself to be leashed down again - locked down and other people aren't even aware because I appear to be calm and cool. It is getting clearer to me, that I have waited myself down, and in those times when I am extremely high energy, and yes my physical body is weighted down. Two things are co-existing at the same time. I am finding that I am only breathing in my mouth right now...i am going, and yes, really happy to know at least the iceberg of why 'wait/weight' is coming into my awareness because it is becoming freeing to me - and hay, I have lost 20 lbs. in the last three weeks - i am entering great things!!!

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