Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I only have this body and that is IT!!!

I believe I am waking up to something that is just 'right' in my body. Maybe I have been knowing this for years - NO MAN!!! it is nothing weird, out-there, something secret that I have to keep to myself because of fear of what other's may think that I am right off the wall...it is something that I know that I am in a safe place...more certain of who I am, and by choosing moment to moment, life will unfold into a bigger open loop. And I know that if I don't choose moment to moment, don't choose living in the now, that my life will be absolutely "havoc"....
I don't know where this will go, and I am curious to what is in me, about this notion that sparked my attention last night. I spoke to a girlfriend yesterday and she suggestion I listen to the conversations that Oprah and Eckhart (his new book released is called, A New Earth) - up to this point it hadn't sparked my attention and i said to myself, why not?
I took time and the space I needed to listen to what was being said. Somehow, I know that I am in a different worldview, that is not right or wrong, bad or good, and I no that is the truth of my own experience. When I studied in university we talked about Maslow's hierarchy. At the bottom you have Survival (meeting the basic needs) and you climbed all the way to the top (mind you it is believed that not many reach Actualization). There is no moving fluidly up and down at different times of your day, week, month, or year. What makes sense to me is that I do want to be at the ground level, the environment level, truly present to myself, when I am crossing a busy street with lots of traffic during rush hour. Man, we all know what happens to us when we are not paying attention...And there are other times where I can have my attention in the spiritually realm, choosing a safe environment, dropping my attention to the base of my spine allowing my breathe to flow deeply in and out of my body...
Something that I have learned over this past year taking the many WEL-Sytems programs is that I only have this body - that is it. I only know what is going on in my body, no one else's because that is not where i live - I only live in mine. What is coming out of my mouth, what I am pressing up against, what I'm not pressing up against (that is the beauty of this, is I no longer press up against things that use to drive me crazy and there is more - because I have been taught to metabolize that information) - no one in my whole life has every even spoke briefly about this - Yes, I am well read in many books, I was always searching for something that was so hungry inside of me, and I finally listen to myself to just give up because I had exhausted every possibility! WOW, that is where I turned my 'fire energy' inward.
I am finding it really 'neat' right now because i am starting to get an awareness that is making sense to me....it is not about the times it really did not matter to me - it was the times, that I was high energy searching for something that was so "hungry" in me - no one, understood what I was saying, because I only could explain it in my body - and people turned away because of 'whatever' and I was left with this unquenchable thirst inside of me...it is like when I was seven, laying in the ditch of my family home, starring up at the sky and knowing that there is something greater then me...i know there is one other person that is reading this right now that has that same experience in their bodies...yes, I am waking up!!!
I thought that I would feel great at the end of this blog today and somehow it has stirred up many more questions....

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