Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's A Start...How do you love if you have never been shown LOVE?

This past day has been one of 'history in the making". June 11, 2008. The apology from the Prime Minister of Canada to the Aboriginals of Canada. It is hard for me to even say as my throat wants to close up... for the residential schools the Aboriginals were sent to by our government.

It is hard for me to even start to understand the magnitude of "fear", "shame", "loneliness", "detachment from oneself and other", these people still hold in their bodies. And it is as if it only happen yesterday, when they talk now, I can feel this in my own body. THEY speak of their memories that are so vivid, hurtful and harmful! And has changed who they are...and it has changed their children, and then past down to the following wonder then have numbed their experiences...i believe by them receiving this apology from the Prime Minister they can speak up and out their truth - their healing can begin...

The first thing that comes out of my mouth is, "as early as 6, they were taken from their parents and sent off to a 'residential' school". How horrific!!! Most of us wait patiently at the bus stop for our little one to come home from school to nurture them. These children were on their own at this age, surviving, in a world that was so cut off from their parents!

Am I advocating that all other families are wonderful. No, nothing is perfect yet many of us have had the opportunity to show love and be loved... To be loved and to love.

I am in tears right now. What I do know is that you can't give away something if you don't have it inside you. If these children were never shown love, how can they love or be loved?

What grips me is the notion of, "we will take the Indian out of the person" by sending them away. No one, can ever take away your identity - this is so profound and potent to me, and there is no one that will ever take my own power away. NO MORE. I will never give away my power!

Yes, in my own life I have listen to other people and taken their word for a situation/circumstance. And what usually happens when I give my own power away, it usually ends up being not good for me. Yes, maybe the other person is fine with the decision, AND I am left with un-ease - which in the end, I had dis-ease in my body. I can't even begin to understand being told by the government that we are sending your children to residential school. I can't even describe the utter 'saddness' that this brings to me right now.

Yet shat is beautiful to me, is that this is no longer going to be talked in private rooms, secretly. This is out in the public and people are going to pay attention to it. Does that mean that everyone is going to agree with this, no. Does this mean that the healing process can start, yes.

A different vibration.

I have an interest in working with people that have come from huge adversity in their life.

It is no mistake in my life as I look back. I was billeted for three weeks on a "Indian Reserve" and was so welcomed. In fact one of my greatest memories of the time I spent in Katimavik was being shown how to make "leather Indian gloves". The women that was showing me didn't have any lining, so she cut up her pink house coat and that is what I have for a lining in both gloves. I believe that was one of my greatest lessons I have received in my life on "love" and "gratitude".
Also, my undergraduate, i choose many of my courses to be of "aboriginal" study - there is no mistake for me to have taken those many courses.

There is a knowing about "adversity" in my own body.

Hmm, what you know to be true in your own body, it what you can give away. Because you have it in you to give away!!!

We don't get to become "whole" until all parts of us are revealed! I look forward to the unfolding of this new way for the 80,000 that lived in residental schools and are still alive today! And now, they stand at their choice pt. and look into their new emergying future!!!

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