Sunday, November 16, 2008

There is "Abundance" for all of us...what matters to me is how much am I willing to "take"?

I am driving a brand new. 2009, RED, Honda Civic!!!!

What I noticed yesterday driving from the east side of Ottawa to the west. Is how I am moving in new "SPACE". What does that mean, finding a "new" way to move through my life. No, the way before up to this point was not good, bad, right or wrong...what this means for me is that I have so much "freedom" in a new car. There are no limits too worrying about if I will make my destination or recently as our only vehicle was breaking down on us, how safe was I feeling to go out my driveway?

I am "free" to go where ever I want to go, and know that everything is okay on my journey.

Wow, what a metaphor for how I am living my life, right now, in this moment..."I am 'free' to go where ever I want to go, and know that everything is okay on my journey".

Yesterday was also a first for me. I asked for "space" that was offered to me at the WEL-Systems Institute. What I did notice as I moved through that 'new' space is how I was taking baby steps of opening the WEL-Systems door, feeling and knowing that I am stepping into "new" space for myself to grow and expand for my own evolution. Instead of, and this has been happening all my life, waiting for other's to step before, for me to be 'safe' in my own body, knowing that all is fine, even in my moments of chaos... and "movement" and "flow" happen now...yes, it has always happened, and I am aware now, of how I want my life to unfold...

As I walked into the office, there was no one to greet was all about me, "taking" my "Space" - something that is vibrating is that there is "abundance" for all of us...what matters to me is how much am I willing to "take"?

I walked towards the program room, and saw the sign from Megan hanging on the door --what is that all about, and it made me feel a sense of "giggle"...

I unlocked the door and felt this sense of "accomplishment" when I opened the door. I sighed and turned on the lights and knew I am in the right place for me right in this moment.

Lots is coming into my life and it is "new". New house, and last night we drove to the new construction. The house will be much smaller then our house in Halifax yet the feeling I am getting is "uplifting". Is it more about "movement" for me, I have "loved" the time I have "invested" with my dog walking; these past two years have been extemelty meaningful for me, walking the streets of Ottawa under the umbrella of the trees...At my "new" home...The view of the nature, pathways, water, and it is all across the street; I feel a sense of "calm" to be surrounded by all of this...and to be in living on a crescent that not much traffic will come into this area in the subdivision...

No longer do I want to be "alone" yet to walk beside women who also want to "take" what is meaningful to each of them...

Tomorrow my husband starts a "new'" job. The contract is for more than 5 years and he has been offered more opportunity and more money. I guess because he is on my 'Holodeck' that I have made a difference in his life...

Life is truly great for me, the next breathe I "take" only expands my life...if it makes sense to you, leave me a comment if you want to, about what was "moving' through you by reading this blog..

trust yourself

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