Sunday, November 9, 2008

Giving mySELF "Space"...

These past several weeks have been moving so fast that I can't believe I haven't blog for over a month. What is coming up for me is that I have been receiving huge metaphors in my life and it is all about giving myself "Space". Giving myself "Space"...

I am very aware that many things that would trigger me before are no longer there. I am coming closer to who I really am, and you no what, I am calm and joyful of re-connecting with mySELF. The SELF I knew so many years ago that I am just "great" "just fine of who I am" "I am the best person to be me". I believe, all of us know the same. Wow, huge rush of fire energy is coming to the right side of my body, in front, near my eye.

It is no coincidence that I received my new eye glasses just this week. It is the beginning of something that I truly and clearly can see, right out in front of me. No, it is not about throwing the "baby out with the bath water"; it has been all meaningful for me. Some of what I am creating is not so good for where I want to envision myself, and yes, I can choose right now, to steer my bus to the direction I want to go towards. And, the experiences I had this summer that I created for myself have shown me that I no longer need to carry that "load" inside myself anymore. I no longer will pay attention to the "collusion" that I believe, women do very well, taught from an early age, and I believe all of us, want to "free" oneSelf from that tangled web. What is coming up for me, is "it is none of my business what other's think of me". "Collusion" in my life is DONE!!!

Lately I have been aware that I have an unquenchable thirst and hunger. No, I am just fine - I think of this differently in my life. I bring this right up to the different choices I am making that will expand my life and have quantum leaps of propelling me into who I really am and becoming. How exciting is that for me?!

This February 2008 at EF:EW (a WEL-Systems intensive course, a huge quantum leap propelled me to a place that I thought would never been possible for me, to be, even in my lifetime - I truly believed that I could never be "freed" of my own stuff that I continued to play the "insanity game": doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results.
I was being "sucked"into a funnel that was gaining more and more momentum moving faster and faster downward to a "black hole".

Right now, I am so grateful that I "quantum leaped" myself out of that funnel, with my feet secure and stable, and I feel safe in my body. Do I know where my next step will be? No, yet what I am sure about is that it will be "uplifting" for me.

Last night, I created something that has been in the long time planning (I would say that has been a "intellectual" response, and something happened last night and I believe was a "body intelligent response" - actually, over a year I have wanted a "dependable" car. Even though this is awakening me on a physical level it is bringing so much more to me. I know that my "business" will expand because I have no limits of driving now. I will just jump in the car and go now. My husband was just here at the computer and said, "let's go and visit his brother in Montreal for a day". My world is growing bigger.

This has been useful for me to blog today. How I can overtime slowly move away from the "intelligence in my body" to the "intelligence of my brain"...

I guess the thing that comes to mind for me, is that, by giving myself SPACE it allows me to listen to my own SELF. Another thing that is coming up for me, is that it doesn't have to take a lot of time to manifest what I really want for mySELF...

I am looking forward to driving in the fast lane of the 417! Man oh man, I just "giggle" with excitement when I think of myself in a new RED car!

trust yourself

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