Monday, February 9, 2009

Fire - Am I Okay WITH THE Huge Intensity I HAVE?

These past months I have been experiencing thirst, hunger, right shoulder pain and back pain. Something last night and this morning has brought awareness...I don't know why, and I don't how, and I don't know what...

I am going to "rumble" (thanks Sandy) because I do believe it comes from the deepest core of me. I know that I stand right here right now, and look out into my future. I am grateful for my past to present to me, swirls around to me in my front, my awareness, and then at choice point, I either metabolize the information for me to know more about mySELF, or I choice not to metabolize information. Life for me is as simple as that.

Now, what I haven't been not paying attention to is this huge thirst I have. Not as much hunger but thirst. I seem to be out and can't wait until I am at the next stop to drink water...Cold water seems to quench the thirst.

Now the big awareness I did get in these past 24 hours is that I am damping my huge fire I have going through my body. No, I not there anymore of not allowing fire to go through me. I am becoming aware that I am choosing not to let this ignite to its fullest potential. Am I scared of the hugeness of it?

Something that is really coming up for me is that, how do I know, if I have never experienced this?

For my shoulder to have lots of pain, and I must say that has been going on for over a month - and on the right side...what is it? what belief/s, value/s, or attitude/s that I am holding onto?, that I am even unaware of...and do I need to know?, and just be okay with allowing these to move right now as I am blogging.

Maybe this is all it is, just be aware of asking myself when I am "thirsty" for that next glass of cold water...ask myself, isn't that interesting... do I want that glass of water, or, do I want something else that I am not paying attention to?

It never is a struggle for me, and only if I make it a struggle!


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