Friday, February 20, 2009

Another "Birth": How I Just Keep Getting Stronger!!!

As I run up and down my stairs in my new home...i run pass a huge pot, carried by a wooden frame with wheels...I pondered today, and look at the planter and knew how it has played out many times... how I choose/choosing to live my life, from the time i lived in the maritime to the east end of Ottawa, to now, where I live, in Orleans, Each place I lived/live was a metaphor for how I was living my life, and how in this moment, the roots are so strong, and producing new leaves...

I just happen to have a "green thumb" and it was when I lived in the Maritimes that I bought this plant for $1.50. It must be at least 5 years ago that I bought this plant. I was a teacher in Nova Scotia happily facilitating, on the math assessment team, students at the grade three and nine level.

My plant grew and grew and grew. So big that I finally transplanted to this huge planter. I loved many things in my life then, and I didn't love who I was. Two and half years ago, in the extreme heat of the summer...I wasn't go to let go of this plant. So I ask the movers if they would take the plant. They agreed and said your move will take 8 days, and we can't guarantee anything.

Well, when it was delivered to us, in Ottawa, it was "heat stroke" meaning the leaves were falling off, leaves shriveled up, and not much left - which most people would of thrown the plant away and started all over again. NOT ME!!!

I cut down the plant to allow it to have more energy at is roots. I watered the plant daily for awhile, and yes, I do talk to my plants! Hmm, maybe that helped too! LOL

The plant took awhile, and maybe even a half year, to come back - and again, I enjoyed this beautiful plant with lots of green foliage, for another year and half, until our next move.

Then in the middle of December, 2008, and one of the coldest days of the year,. we moved here to Orleans. The movers told us that they would not move the plant. So we wrapped the plant up, and put it on the back of the truck...I knew that it would be okay, and my husband was doubtful.

It is a huge metaphor for me right now, as I run up and down my stairs...I clipped off the branches at the beginning of January. For me, there was nothing to lose. When i walk in the front door I look up at the next level and see this planter with 6 thick branches sticky out. I have placed this plant in full view of everyone to see, either coming in the front door, coming down the stairs or coming up from downstairs...I am joyful that now, there are many "little" green leaves popping up, on the six branches...imagine, that new growth just happened in 6 wks!

I am pleased to say, that this is another "birth" for me, that is so strong at the roots, that is quickly producing lots of new growth. The metaphor's are abundant for me to catch...and imagine, I was going to throw this away at one point in it's moves. This is all about me, how not to "give up" on myself, I am only getting stronger, I too, am having lots of (little) fast growth happening!!!

I smile each time I pass the plant!!!

Huge sigh!

Trust yourself

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