Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How do you RE-Claim the Life You Want to CHOSE?

Right now, I STOP what I am doing and...

I could easily choose to take a nap right now...and I believe I would just "give into" something that I don't want anymore in my life...right now..I choose to blog...

Life has been moving fast for me these past months...I am welcoming that excitement and something happen yesterday that has "shaken" me...

I heard, a person in my life, his sister died last week at the age of 28, from "lymphoma".

What has "shaken" me is that I am clear, and get clearer, that this is happening far to often, and yes, at alarming younger and younger ages.

I believe many people are looking for something more in their lives, yet, don't know even where to look. Yes, I talk to many that know my own life is different, want to engage with me, and then walk away, only to go back into their lives, that they told me, were not working. I don't have any judgment on that.

Something else for me that I am getting curious about, is, how does anyone know there is something different? In other words, "if you don't know something, how do you find out, if it is not even in your awareness"?

Okay, if you have never even been shown or experienced something different, I am not saying throw the baby out with the bath water, yet, how do you even know there is something out there, that will expand your life, not make it smaller?

That "Something" i talk about, in my experience, has made a huge difference to myself along with thousands of people, to re-claim the life of their choice? A life that they express "Joy" with and of wanting to get up early Monday morning to head back to work! Imagine that, jump out of bed, ready for a week of work!

I am no longer allowing myself to be silent. I am no longer going to NOT speak up about my truth. Yes, knowing that I am not responsible for people's journey, yet my responsibility is to speak up and share with other's about my own journey back to health, and now a FUN life. I am no longer going to be silenced because I was waiting for someone else to go before me. I am no longer going to be "nice" because I don't know anything but... I am no longer going to believe that I don't have something "potent" to share, that changes people's lives, if they choose.

This Sunday I am engaging in another W.O.I. - A Conversation with Marie. These "free" conversations are not a "marketing plan" of how to create business for myself. These conversations are for me, to stay more alive!

For me to nourish my own soul, to stay in the tough conversations and welcoming conversations that always allow me to engage in the "more" of what I am becoming...

I know this is not why I have blogged...and, if this is something you want to engage in, fire me an email at to confirm a seat for this Sunday at the WEL-Systems Institute. Many of you have commented that you do read my blogs and never leave a comment. I would love to hear from you by email.

trust yourself!

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