Friday, February 13, 2009

"Humor"... "Stinkin' Thinkin'"... "Lighten Up"...

Humor, do I have some? When don't I have some? Do I even notice that I don't have some? Or do I notice I don't have some and notice that it might be a good thing to have...oh man, I usually ride the wave of my life with humor, and am I right now?

The definition of "humor" is a state of mind, mood, inclination, good will temper, ...hmm, it is also saying "one of 4 fluids of the body (blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy)"

Now the last part of that definition is making some sense in the "intelligence of my body"...that "humor" is a "code" word, meaning, I can't put "humor" in the truck of a it is something that moves through the body...hmm...

Humor can mean many things to me. Humor can mean an exchange between me and another person or people, that at that moment, my body is experiencing lots of flow, and in that moment an expression of "fun" "excitement" "joy" permeates and everyone "breaks out into laughter".

Or, recently an example that I realized I was experiencing "no humor" at the time, a email came, and I realized in that moment how "ridiculous" I was thinking in my own world...yes, I was allowing myself to have that "stinkin' thinkin'" and what someone said in the email, I realized the "humor" for myself, and a huge surge of "humor" filled my body, allowing flow throughout my body, and I sat at the computer and laughed for quite sometime, allowing it to just flow...

Humor in my world is not about "making fun spite of someone" nor is it, "humorous because it is an easy way to bring down a "heated" situation" they were strategies I used in my past to feel "more of myself" because in those days, I didn't know who I was, and so I was external in my thinking...humor, in my world is the experience I have purely and simply the "flowing" through my body because it makes sense in my body to do, I am sure I have lost you...or have I?

Another connection of thought I been having this week is..."lighten up". How do I "lighten up" when I am in a state of flow, and I am going to say, "stinkin' thinkin'" flow?

This is good, because as I write this, this is not always easy for me, when I am in this state...yet what I realize right now, is, one is of the intelligence of the body "lighten up", and the other thought is of the intelligence of the brain, "stinkin' thinkin'".

I am going to go into that "sinkin' thinkin'"....why can I not allow myself to move this "information" in my body? After all, it is just information wanting to move? I have given it a label and put myself into a small box, isolated myself for a few days, and felt alone. There is intelligence in that behavior for me.

Man, I am way beyond that, yet, in this moment, thinking of this differently. Or, have I allowed it to flow, and not relaxing into the full measure of what it has to offer me?

Either way, and including other possiblities A,B,C,X and Y, it is ALL just information wanting to move. Yes, in my world another layer wanting to reveling itself, for me to know more about the real "ME' and not about the culturally conditioned me.

Now, that I have allowed that "sinkin' thinkin'" to move this week, I am much clearer this morning. I don't really know what it is all about....and if I don't, I not going to spend time figuring it out in my head. It just "is" and now I move on.

So today, and all this week, I continued to PAUSE...and then in that moment, choose something that "lighten" me...something that "interest me" to do...and I walked away from some things that were having to be done, as I felt a "heaviness" and then I found myself coming back to them when I was "lighter".

I am finding it interesting that "flow" is in my awareness...I know creating and holding, Space... giving permission for my clients to allow and invite Movement and Flow is very scared to me...and now, it is what I do best, that allows my clients to get results for themselves.

Am I any different at the end of this blog? I don't know? Yet, what I do know is more awareness of when I experience "heavy" and when i am "light"...I wonder if there is a correlation with me, about my body size? It doesn't matter to me what size I have been or am - what I do notice is not the number on the scale yet how I am experiencing "heavy" and how I am experiencing "light"...

I am going to stop there as this is turning into a new blog and I have lots to do today ---checking in with a much "lighter" ME!!!!

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