Friday, September 5, 2008

"Empty Nester"+"Nothingness"+"Creativity...Who Would Of Ever Guessed? It really is that simple...

Life unfolds exactly as it is meant to...those words are comforting at times, along with frustration, anger, and as well, the knowing that it makes sense to me looking at hindsight...
Imagine it all can exist at the same time...

Up to this point in my life, everything has been meaningful for me to learn more about myself.

Wow, I don't know if I would of agreed with that statement when my life was falling apart not less than two years ago...
And it all makes sense now...yes, there is more to come...

I have re-claimed my health, re-defined who I am as a human being, re-shaped my life and onto a new stage in my life...
they call this stage "Empty Nester's"...

At first I felt a huge void in my life without my son - "Empty"? Not now, life is full, for me and my did that happen?

I am not near a dictionary and I will expand on my own understanding of "Empty"

Well, quickly I go to "nothingness". How wonderful is that?

Isn't the place of creativity?

In these past two years, anytime I was in a course with Louise Lebrun - it seem to me that the most profound and potent times for me is when I did "nothing". The first time in my life that I was able to have space, thanks to Louise, to do "nothing". Allow yourself to do "nothing" right now...then if you are interested go into her website to see what she has to offer in the way of courses at I am so glad I listen to my "gut" about taking many courses from her because my life is not only liveable now, I have an amazing life now!!!

Do nothing...lots of judgement there...Oh, man yes I am that person that wants to keep going no matter what. No matter if my body is screaming to stop. No matter if my intellect is wanting to stop the world and get off it for awhile (yes, these days I want to get back on for more) and No matter even though I am clear that it is like "eating an elephant one bite at a time". I know longer have to do "it" because someone suggested. In those times, sitting in "nothingness" seems to make a huge difference allowing me to process...ponder...and awake to something that has now come into my awareness...


all out of "nothingness" I have re-claimed my health, re-shaped my own world and onto a new stage in my life...

come join me as I welcome you to this interactive blog...I believe I don't have to do this alone anymore...

you can also contact me at my business email:

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