Friday, September 19, 2008

I had to opportunity to "CLAIM " and 'OWN' something inside of me, that I have always chosen to stop

Something is very different and I experienced "it" over this past week. All my life I have stopped myself at that point of "flying"and this time went right into "it" - maybe, it is about how I valued myself every time I would "hit" a "peak" in my life -instead of staying in the "joy" and "confusion" of going into "it" - I would go around "it" and give up on myself?

NO MORE!!! I went right into "it" and my life has expanded! People are telling me there is something different about me...

This week I had the opportunity to "CLAIM" and "OWN" something inside of me, that i have always chosen to stop - I always would stop at this point and have a belief that I was capable but was I worthy?

Last Friday morning I had the pleasure of being with Louise LeBrun. Man, it was fun and life altering! I had asked her if I could do a CD in conversation with her on, "Empty Nester's...and Letting Go Of Adult Children". Just a side note: Watch for the later fall release, it will be available on storefront and also on my web (I will be announcing the details of my web site next week)

By doing the CD it has taken me past a place where I have never ventured before. Yes, I have been though much in my life yet never to a point where i have a knowing in my body - that I am "Healthy, Happy, Beautiful AND WORTHY in my own being for ME!"

So let me explain more...this Monday morning I went to the chiropractor. I haven't been there since May, as they say at that office, "they never have to phone me because they know that I listen to my body, and I will know when to come in". The chiropractor was in "awe" of how healthy and happy I am. I asked him to be thorough with my appointment; meaning that I wanted him to adjust my arms/hands and legs/feet. He did testing and I am strong and full of vitality.

Next appointment I had this week was to get my hair cut. What an amazing experience that was. He cut my hair, when he was finished, out of my mouth came, "this is the first time, in years, that I have felt this beautiful". I wasn't looking for outside referencing, nor "yucky" stuff that we all can create. It was pure and simple for me, and only me. "I felt beautiful!"

The third appointment I had, I broke the back crown of one of my tooth so I headed to the dentist. When I sat in the chair they was something magical for me. I can't explain it, just a "knowing". The dentist and I had a wonderful conversation (as much as I can when my mouth is being work on Ha! Ha!). A knowing in my body and the conversation we were having, out came, "when I first moved here to Ottawa I put out an intention for people to come into my life, so I could heal". He just sat back in his chair...

All these experiences this week have shown me the deep passion i have for living my life. Not just going through the motions, or choosing to be is much more than words can describe right now!

I Love waking up in the morning and being ME! That has not always been the case over my life...

trust yourself

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