Friday, August 1, 2008

"Obligation" and "Being Loyal inspite of Myself" - Does this sound familiar?

I am back from holiday. And I am back with a new focus. And hey, I want this to be interactive. Thanks Sarah I welcome you and many others to join me...

Does it mean up to this point I need to wash everything away. NO. I am only going to keep what is meaningful to me. What nourishes me. What refreshes me. What makes me "light up"! What makes me feel ALIVE!

I love the analogy that Louise LeBrun at spoke of a couple of months ago. It really has been whirling around in my mind and at each choice I make - allows me to make choices that are sustaining me. Choices that allow me to find more zest for my life. Choices that allow me to enjoy the moment I am in, right here and now. Choices that allow me to notice the small things in life that normally pass me by. And aren't these the things that when I get quiet in my body and mind, opens up to amazing possibilities...inviting other potential possibilities that will make my world so rich to live. No I don't mean necessarily more money yet that's useful too! - what i mean is to really experience the richness of living on this planet earth from moment to moment and to interplay with my emerging future...

The analogy that Louise LeBrun spoke of that has really changed my world is...instead of continually climbing the mountain, higher and higher, why not moved to a different part of the mountain? (not necessarily higher and maybe across the mountain) and look from a different view (from new lens). Man, it is so refreshing to me to view my life differently. I don't have to continue to try harder and harder. I just relax into myself, stand tall in who I am, and look out into the sea of possibilities. Oh yeah, it is important for me to engage, and engage again...without action there is only possibilities...

All I do is listen to what is moving through me and engage - choice or not, then engage again...

This past week I have spent my time on holiday with my husband and son. It was the most meaningful time I have had in a long time with them. What was so pleasurable is that each one of us truly lavished in "ourselves" - in who we are, and becoming. We don't lie about who we are to each other, or ourselves, or we don't pretend that we are something that we are not. What is different for me...we may have "angry" yet it is looked at from new lens...

At one point it was a totally different conversation the three of us had - nothing like a conversations we would have. It was about being "loyal" outside ourselves, and how that doesn't serve anymore. Yes, being loyal inspite of ourselves. I was jolted by a comment that an extended family member had made - knowing that I pay attention more to what was firing off in my body then the outside comment. What became really cool to my awareness, was the conversation my son, husband and I had...because my son could see that I needed to talk about what was firing off in my body. The conversation was an open loop and not a closed loop.

Oh how I can revert back to that old familiar pattern to me, lock me down response, silence me, instead, it was a very different outcome...the engagement allowed me to say what I needed to say for myself. Funny enough, I was so heated at the beginning of the conversation and by the end of the conversation I was calm - Man, even a month ago, I would of carried out that "emotion" for all it's worth and for a long period of time. Remember, fire energy is one type of breathe that I would never allow and invite to move inside my body to it's fullest potential - I was truly fearful of the destruction i would create for myself and everyone around me. Ha!Ha!

No one was hurt in it all, and I got to be honest in what was coming from the deep tissues of my own cells. Not the "absolute truth" that I was always aware of, and thought that was the only way, being so important to survive in my collective and world...this was my own truth! Man, how good does life get when I get to tell my own truth and someone will doesn't mean that they need to agree with me, yet just to listen and hear me out...(Safety was created and it gave me Personal Power in someone listening to what I was speaking up and out with)...this particular conversation the three of us had, has brought a lot of clarity to how we move in the world. Not everyone will agree with us and I am clear that means extended family as well. I do know that I am much more clearer on how I want to live my life. And I have a sense of Well-being from my own choices - not from choices outside of myself.

It was beautiful how we stayed true to ourselves, each one of us, and how our week unfolded - (leaving out the "obligation" stuff that was known and so familiar to me) - AND how this past week, we saw who we wanted to see, talked to who we wanted to talk to, enjoyed what we wanted to enjoy...I always remember a prof asking me what I mean by "bliss" - now I know!!! Life is blissful!!!!


sarah said...

I got to be a really strong hiker up those mountains you speak about and I am really starting to see that its not about the slope....its about the scenery. For me that means coming back to...its already there....nothing to gain....nothing to climb......its already there. As I do this I am noticing the other sides of the mountain coming to me! I don't even have to figure out how to get over there. pretty cool. I am trading in my hiking survival gear for an hand-glidder!It never had to be hard.

Marie Smith said...

Yeah Sarah, it never had to be hard...imagine all I have to do is change my view by moving effortlessly across the hard is that?...I continue to welcome you and look forward to more of what comes up for you when you read my soon, Marie