Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do I Let Myself "Cry"?

This morning I am feeling "tired". Not a lonesome, awful "tired" that I would of felt a year ago. Just a "tired" that doesn't feel like I can relax yet I want to do something that is different.

There is a bit of irritation to this feeling and I am going to stay right here...

One question that comes up from me, and something I had a conversation about, talking with another person yesterday, "do I let myself 'cry'"?

Do I let myself engage in the full potential of what wants to move through me, move? Do I stop it at any point of the process? Do I pass judgments or analyze what is moving through me? When it does move through me, and my body stabilizes, do I make excuses to my outside world so that I water-down my intensity? I don't have "drama" in my life anymore because it just didn't serve me, yet I do love "intensity" - do I let that huge energy out even though many people choose to have "puny lives including myself pre-WEL-Systems".

Do I wait until I am in a 'safe' place all by myself and then I repeat my "old habitual" ways of how I danced before pre-WEL-Systems; the "habitual voice" that use to convince me that it doesn't matter and just get on with your life, no, nice girls don't can fill in the blank, and the "habitual voice" sounds on - to convince me, which spiral me into the "beat me up" attitude then I would believe I was less than...of myself...

A question came out of me yesterday that went like this, "how do we learn to "cry" if we have never been taught". Hmm, sounds pretty common sense, eh?

How in our own bodies do we feel 'safe' and know that we will be just fine, to cry? Not just a 'safe' environment but 'safe' in our own bodies? How do we even allow ourselves to "sob" and let sound out without any judgement - after all, in my new world view all it is "information" for me, to expand my world.

I am sitting here, very quiet at the keyboard, not knowing where the next "blip" will come from...the humming of the computer is soothing me - is that a familiar sound that made me feel "safe" or is that a sound that allows me to "distract" from my feeling of "tired" right now?

These past few days, I am feeling "tired"- my whole body "tired" - I am going into many exciting possibilities, and what are the things that I have to stay awake to, that are not serving me? After all, this "tired" has intelligence and alarming me to something about me.

I am asking the question for myself, "do I let myself cry?"

Trust Yourself


sarah said...

hi marie

I really connected with your last two blogs:) That whole fully present to what is moving and totally honoring that fully as the beautiful power it holds. So very different then the conditioning of the shame of the cry.Its a very long continum. The thinking something is wrong with us. Its getting easier to stay away from the pack thinking yet I wonder if its even possible to never have it ever enter into my experience... I wonder if thats part of the human condition that is part of our schooling here on earh. I guess its one thing to embrace the cry and nurture it for what it holds and then its another to allow what moves afterwards in what we are precieving the world is precieving of us. For me.


Marie Smith said...

Thanks Sarah for your comment! Hmm, I ponder your comment, do I honor the full potential that a cry holds or do I pass judgement "the conditioning of the shame of the cry" which often in my past stopped me in my tracks. NO MORE!!! Giving myself permission to cry is so prowerful for me.