Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Dilly Dally Day" + How I Am Moving Through My World!

Yesterday, I was in a situation that unfolded extremely meaningful for me, actually a 'simple' solitary event, yet profound to me. Yesterday I spent time with my son, enjoying a "dilly dally day" - oh, just rhyming those words brings so much joy and enthusiasm to me...I ask myself, what does that mean to me? Dilly Dally Day....

Hmm...Well, that means to me, that I am truly 'carefree' in what I am doing - and the difference to me now, is that I continue to move forward as well, in what is important to me. I don't stop myself from not doing 'anything', 'nothing' or wait for someone, wait for something to happen, and the list goes on for "WAIT" and ironically, I am probably more resourceful to what I am wanting to do, moving through this 'carefree' way.

I am saying this out loud to myself, "yesterday I spent time with my son and I did more in four hours, for my wants and desires, then I have in the past two weeks. No, I am truly alive now, willing and able, motivated to be doing many things and that is how I move through me world with many of my wants and desires "accomplished"...yesterday paying attention and relaxing into the moment...I have this sense of utter freedom of Hmm, what next? and then poof! It happens!!!

What is coming up for me right now, this a metaphor of HOW I AM MOVING Through My World Now!

Okay back to yesterday, and why it was such a huge "hit" for me...I arrived at an apt on time and the person that I was meeting was not there. Now man, i could go deep into my iceberg and truly beat myself up...remember my fire always went inward. To add, i would not even go the route that most people would go...get mad at the person for not showing up on time and directing my "angry" outside of myself.

What I did was STOP. It became clear to me that the person, for whatever reason, was not there for the time that was intended. It is not that I didn't allow myself to get really 'mad' - i didn't even entertain the possibility. What unfolded for me is WHAT DO I WANT TO DO RIGHT NOW that will be beneficial to me. I gave myself SPACE Well, I left home without putting my make-up on. I did have moisturizer and foundation on, yet it was such a bonus for me to go into the washroom and complete my make-up. I felt great! Yahoo!!!

Now, once I came out of the washroom and I went back to see if the person had arrived. She hadn't and I found this another huge invitation to go and order some food. I went downstairs and the person was coming through the door. So, I changed my mind, and connected with this individual. Changing my mind because I said so is a way better way to live for me, than changing my mind for someone else. Okay, what is coming up for me is, how many times do I "wait" and my default is to "fill my face". Or, this particular time, I want/desire to have food and not feel guilty about eating, truly loving the moment, flavor, smell, atmosphere, sound, and yes, nourish my physical body... and then another possibility, change my mind...

None of how I behave is right, wrong, good or bad...there is intelligence for me to pay attention to...and it is very useful for me to pay attention to my own Self and POOF ...i know exactly what to do for me...there is no more "putting myself in hot coals" - this is effortless, all I do is check in with myself and ask. Simple, true to myself and how much better does my life become...

This is a belief that I would of had before yesterday...I am not allowed to have a "Dilly Dally Day", be "carefree", enjoy time with my son, all alongside with moving forward with my wants and desires. I can enjoy it ALL and ALL on the same day!!! IMAGINE That!!! Yahoo!!!!

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