Saturday, May 24, 2008

SPACE - I give myself for ME!

Here it is in the middle of the afternoon. Today, my body feels like it is "shooken" up and just wants to lay down. So, I listened. I layed down on the couch and fell asleep for an hour this afternoon. My husband wanted to go, and do some out in the truck kind of stuff with me, and I told him, no, I need to take some space for myself. He understood completely, and that would not of been the case a while back.

How my life is so much more meaningful to me now, to be present to myself, and to do the things that are pulling me, and not do the things that are pulling someone else. I just have to listen to me. Wow, how so effortless and now that I am up from my nap (taking time for myself) that I feel refreshed, renew, and have energy to get up and blog and then...

Right now, I am hearing close people in my life with many dis..eases. I just found out this week that my sister that died, her best friend has breast cancer. My husband's brother-in-law's sister has 'pancreatic cancer". My own brother-in-law has leukemia and at the end of his treatment and still getting many blood transfusions. Does this surprise me as all these people are in their fifties and early sixties?

My own belief is that these people want to continue living yet they are going into a smaller and smaller box - that defines their life as "hopeless". Society has this huge fear of it as"devastating". You only have a month to live - like how the hell can anyone say that to anyone?

How much fear there is out there because no longer can that model of the world find any resolution. Oh, yeah, things do become question is, can you find resolution in the body that actually metabolizes residual energy and allows space to be created in the body? To become more!!!

This is not hard at all (and our intellect and the fear in society believes it is hard) I myself have gone through this process and I must say I have reclaimed my health back. One thing that is getting clearer to the importance to me, to allow myself SPACE.

Getting rid of stuff that our bodies know is not serving us or creating DIS-EASE. Does this need to be a fast process, NO! And is it, YES! Yet what is important to me, is taking my life back for MYSELF.

Funny how, if only we would pay attention to ourselves - and the impulses that move through our own bodies then... WOW, imagine living in the here and now. The earth would be so much calmer and our lives would have way more meaning then worrying about the next person that is going to get a dis-ease. NO, I am not talking about "white light and forgiveness" kind of stuff. I am talking about being true to MYSELF. Allowing all the four different types of breath to move in my body, whenever and however it unfolds.

The focus would be so much different then what we focus on right now. I want to stop right here and dream....imagine! I say Imagine my Life! Imagine your Life!

I am sure that colors would be more vibrant, people would be more "awake" to what they were doing in their everyday life, and I can't even begin to dream about how different life would be. I can have all of this right now. I can have all of this right now!

Something that comes up, is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz - all she had to do to get home, was believe she was home - hmm, I ask myself, which choice do I want?

For me, I ponder, 'cause now there are many possiblities for me!

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