Sunday, May 11, 2008


The other night at Louise Lebrun's evening, "Women Awakening" just minutes outside of Ottawa in Kanata at the Kanata Square; I believe I had an experience, I must say, that truly left me feeling uncomfortable, "jolted me" and lasted the next day, even today, yet there was a knowing deep in my tissue that something profound was/is happening in my body. Was I liking it, no, because it was the first time that I was paying attention to both what was happening in my body AND listening to my external world. Funny how I am 'thinking' (and yes, through my intellect, if somehow my possibilities are getting bigger/expanding?) This is crazy thinking because the next thing I want to say, is that the intellect is never going to give me my truth - man, if I relied on that, i could get into a lot of stories (thanks Amy McNaughton I found huge meaning for me from your last blog - and I read all your blogs that are always meaningful to me) I am sure that is what I have been doing these past couple of days - "STORIES".

During the second half of the evening Louise guided us through a "guided process". In Louise's world it is always about allow and invite - never command and control, if you are not interested in going through the guided process than that is great, and if you are interested in going through the guided process that is great as well. It really is, for me, to listen to my own body - nobody else. One thing that Louise spoke about is that in all her years of doing this (40 years) that she knows that if the person either chooses to do the guided process or not do the guided process YET continues to stay in the room, their life changes. I must agree from my own experiences.

Instinctively my body has an knowing to do whatever this "quantum biological processor" needs to process at this moment. In fact, it is a relief to my body because it is so pleased to be given SPACE - something that in our busy lives we never allow SPACE to expand our core, so that the information can then move freely, not tightly that it presses up against my inflated core...and man that is crazy making stuff to me, because then I begin to be lead by my brain intelligence and not my intelligence of my whole body. Creating SPACE, MOVEMENT and FLOW is how simple and easy it is!!! There is no stuggle and my body just knows...

I am much more than this "Quantum Biological Processor" and when I am fully connected to WHO I AM - I AM Loads of Love and Laughter with an EDGE - my life is effortless and my life unfolds purposefully exactly how I intended...

I am organic and what that means to me, is that I can choose moment to moment. I am not mechanical and need to be fixed - bringing myself to a 'dealership' for them to fix my machine so it is up and running again. No, I live in this 'quantum biological processor' and I choose moment to moment to either listen to what is moving through me or not pay attention to what is moving through me. What thrills me is that I can 'quantum leap' my evolution or choose to have incremental changes, that yes, both move me forward into my emerging future. The question for me that lights me up is: Who am I? Which do I choose? Who is this Possible Authentic ME? Maybe I choose to not move so quickly with my emerging futures at times because I need to allow myself the SPACE to metabolize the huge amounts of information that is being presented to me. Yes, I can have some "quiet time" for ME.

Friday I did just that. I had some "quiet time" for me, by myself. I just allowed things to happen
as they happened. If I wanted to chat with someone...Pouff - the phone rang and it was exactly who I wanted to talk with and share with. If I wanted to rest, I did. If I wanted to email, I did. I do know whatever happened on Thursday night was profound, potent for me, and I still have no clarity. That is okay!!!

The next "Women Awakening" is on the 10th of September from 7 to 10 in Kanata, Ontario. This is only a suggestion, and if this is sparking your attention, go on-line at and pre-registrar, invest in yourself and only in yourself. If that seems like a long time away and you are up for something more in your life, I was just on another intensive program called "Decloaking...and living Authentically". What I liked about this program is that I visited all the body of knowledge that the WEL-Systems Institute has evolved and evolving, besides being in a Space with Louise who has created this body of knowledge, how better can that get, and you get to 'test drive' the material. Lots of SPACE is created, Movement and Flow. I am not the same person I was at the beginning of the program!!!

There is another "Decloaking...and living Authentically on the 21st to the 25 of July here in Ottawa. I am saying all of this because I didn't pay attention to the many programs that the WEL-Systems offer, at least the first nine months I moved to Ottawa, and felt very alone, ISOLATED, and how these courses have made the Life-ALTERING difference in my life - somehow, I was numb to my own SELF. Right now, I have a different way to move through my life, and honestly the way I was moving through my life before WEL-Systems was keeping me flat-lined, totally unhappy that no one would even imagine I was, to say it simply, a mere shadow of my "INCREDIBLE Magnificent Self with my imperfections".

I am going to listen today to my breathe - especially for me, when I am in the WATER Breathe - it is such an uplifting breathe in my body!

One last thought, another course that may appeal to you, because it makes sense to me, is a weekend course for the people that live out of town OR people that don't have time in their weekday right now. This course is called "Women Fully Alive" June 7th and 8th. I believe if you are reading this blog right now, you are up for something different in your OWN life! Not your husband's life, your child's life, and the list goes on, YOUR LIFE!!!

There are many courses, go on-line to discover the more that you can be and WANT TO BE. Again I say this for myself, this is the invitation that I was numb to, I believe it doesn't have to be as hard as I made it to, only because society has given this one day for "MOTHER'S" whollow in the Magnificient of YOU!!! Yahoo!!!

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