Saturday, May 3, 2008


This past week I have been in a WEL-Systems program called "Decloaking...and living authentically!". This morning and once each month, on a Saturday morning, I am having "Conversation with Marie" in my home with other women that are looking for something that they know in their bodies, the truth of their own experience, that if they continue to live the way they are living, their own life force will be continue to leave their bodies, and is becoming just too much for them, and they would rather not live....AND the stuff that I am very aware of, NO ONE KNOWS THAT YOU ARE THIS DESPERATE!!!!

I am much clearer on my own truth, not my husband's truth, my son's truth or even how we have been taught, the absolute truth... and I have become so much clearer, in such a short time, and MAN, OH MAN, I Love Being ME!!! How can that be?

I am very clear that I have the power. No longer do I have to give away my power. Funny how we believe that everyone else has the power. Student's believe that teacher's have the power. Children believe that parent's have the power. Parent's believe that children have the power. And the list goes on and on. When is it up to me to know in my own body that I HAVE MY OWN Power? How does this happen, if I was reading this as an observer, I would think to myself, "Yeah" I have my own power... yet, I continued to become "sicker" as my life progressed. How is it that I know, right in this moment, that I have the "best" health that I ever did all my life. Oh man, how can that really be? How is that possible when I was "Insulin Diabetic" and now no longer on any medication for "Diabetes"?

What is different from "then" to "now"?

Well, it is a very different way that I move through my world/life. No one every taught me to listen to my own impulses in my body. Oh yeah, I was taught that, through my family systems, school schools, religion systems, and I am very grateful that I was aware of this notion from these systems. Yet NO ONE taught me that the difference was that this information, is for me to dissolve, for me to become clearer in who I am. Not who I thought I was, or who I believed other people wanted me to be or who I thought society wanted me to be...and just how does this "WAVE" of information move through my body or what the hell do I do when I believe my body feels like it wants to BLOW UP!

What I have learned is that "BLOW UP" intensity in my body is layer upon layer of information that I have kepted locked down, capped down, happening over my life. That I am just okay, if when I am experiencing this intensity that I just soften my belly, breathe in oxygen, concentrating my attention to the base of my spine, shoulders down, mouth closed, arms to myself (because after all, it is MY INFORMATION!!!) and I don't have to talk, about he said, she said - I just have to let the wave move through me and guess what, I didn't have to tell any stories, or reveal any details of the blaa, blaa, blaa stuff. I just had to let the body stabilize - from there I become clearer on something about me, a new insight, something appears in front of me that I had never in a zillion years could of possibly thought about before and MY LIFE EXPANDS!!!

Thanks Louise and all the women this week that I spent time with. I enjoyed each and everyone of you and know that you were a gift to me. I believe I live in a holographic universe and each one of you, are an aspect of my own consciousness - I am very grateful because now I am much more then I was on Monday morning!!!

I am very clear that I am willing to share the truth of my own experiences with other women that are wanting to re-claim their health back, and then ultimately their life back. How is it that i have a better life now, even though at many times in my life I believed I had a pretty good one, and now it is just getting bigger and better for ME!!!!FUN!!!

I enjoyed waking up this morning and finding the more ME showing up! Wow, life doesn't get any better for me, and I look forward for the MORE to come....!

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