Friday, January 25, 2008

Am I Willing To Allow The Full Potential Of This "FIRE" to be UNLEASHED!!!

It is Friday, I can't believe the time 'is a flying'...The light has not come to day as yet and I am loving the quiet of the early, cold, purple hue dawn....So much is moving in me right now and I just want to SCREAM!!!
I know that I sound different, I know I am vibrating different than even before Christmas...i know that I matter to me, I matter to me to be alive, and I matter to me to do this in my 'style' of FUN!!!
Yes, I am opening up to the world and listening to the difference pulses of "tragedy" "abuse" "depression" "suicide" "accidental death" and the list goes on... and I can clear that I am exactly where I need to be - I am enough - and I don't have to do serious things, seriously.
Yesterday I was getting my business name registered and really having a difficult time...oh, how i am not computer "friendly" LOL - it has taken me the last few days to finally register my buisness name. AND Yes, I am so excited about the possibilities of my emerging future and I took sometime playing around with my potential business name and poof -it sooo...resonates with me, ... my business name is, "Trust your Self".
Over the course of the last few months, I have been, and we create our own reality, in situations, happenings etc that I had only ME to trust and that was IT. Yes, there is many amazing people coming into my life and they are willing and able and there too support, be a friend, etc. yet I am very clear that I look inward for my own truth. I have moved away from quite a few identifies that i was carrying over the course of the last six months that were causing me to be dis eased or living way out of my body - no, this is not weird, this is as simple as, I bring my attention down into the base of my spine, allow oxygen in, and my life is so much clearer when I am living in my body - then living up in my head, breathing shallowly, spinning like a spin-top, spinning all over the place and not having a sense of "certainly" "groundedness" "calm" in my chaos. Let me look up the word, "chaos"...."n. formless primordial matter; utter confusion" The Consice Oxford Dictionary also the word, "primordial" existing at or from the beginning, prieval;noriginal, fundamenal;" The Consice Oxford Dictionary...
This is getting clearer to why I am blogging...Am I willing to allow this choas in my body to be there and no that I am just fine? Or am I going to flatten it again with food? Drown it with food? I don't like this much agitation, prickly stuff to be moving in me and I do shut it down? Am I willing to breathe into this and not away from this? It has not gone away for the past week and am I willing to embace the full potential? Am I willing to unleash this huge fire that is in me to first combust, then to rage, then sit back away from the fire and enjoy the full intensity and exictement!!! I AM AFRAID OF MY OWN FIRE!!!!
Wow, this is clear...I am not alone anymore and I am HUGE!!! there is no coincidence for me to look back at the beginning of this blogg and I speak about soon, love and laughter!

1 comment:

Amy McNaughton said...

wow Marie! It is very clear that you are Fully Alive and are ready to embrace the fire within.
I am so very happy for you and I could feel your energy vibrating within me as I read every word.
I'm so happy to have you as a friend and truly part of my life.
Huge Hugs,