Monday, April 14, 2008


This morning when I woke up, I woke up to birds singing...i layed there for awhile and just listened...i began to think about the winter i just experienced here in Ottawa, on how intense it was with lots of snow - i don't know if we reach the record that was set in 1970-71 and who cares; yet a huge metaphor for me on how I am living my life... I am realizing that I am okay, because I am "awake" and that my life will unfold is interesting to me how the snow is melting slowing, without too many floods, with the combination of rainy days, (lots of melting days), days that are "breaks" from melting (below zero F), and days that are just a consistent, yet manageable melting - am I fed up with the snow still hanging around, YES, and am I surprised, NO. I am waiting in anticipation for the Spring to arrive...and has it already arrived, even though there is snow still here? Yes, this is a huge awareness for me, just this past sentence, wondering how many times in my life I "WAIT" for something to end, for something to begin?

I wonder with even just my breathe, on how I "wait" for my breathe to end, before I allow another to come in. Hmm, what are the different ways I breathe? This is not about the different types of breathe yet how do I really breathe? I know at times i breathe deep into the base of my spine and allow moment. Now, which way do I choose; do I always breathe that way when something that I find difficult - to not breathe towards yet, stop breathe, or turn away?

It is not any harder to get from one deep breathe to another and know that I will find more clarity of Who I am capable of becoming? It is that simple. Yet, do I always allow myself to "STOP" and allow my breathe to go deep into the base of my spine - allowing whatever needs to happen, happen?
I am blogging for a reason, that is because, it is giving a different vibration for me - to delve deep into the tissue of my own body, and experience the truth of my own experience...

Instead of paying attention to breathe going into my body, something that I am so clear about, I will pay more attention to the breathe that is leaving my body?...and who knows where that will take me...breathing out....

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