Saturday, April 12, 2008


Last night I went out to a dinner to my husband's co-workers home, and another couple was there as well. It is interesting for me on how fast my life is going and how awake I am to it. The conversation around the dinner table at first was some of the "water-cooler" talk and how I looked at that differently. It was interested to me, for me, to be around this type of talk because I had totally excluded myself these past seven years to the point of isolation - so this type of talk has not been even in my 2 foot radius - of course, I was very clear that there is intelligence to every behaviour - no exempt!

A little later around the dinner table, one of the men spoke up and was taking about how his neighbours continue to call him for odd jobs and he is consumed by it. Again, I opened my mouth and shared with him a conversation that came up for me last week, and I am going to say it again, because I leave in a holographic universe,

when do I say "no" and mean "no"
when do I say "yes" and mean "yes"
when do I say "no" and mean "yes" (hmm, interesting those also are lost opportunities...)

I was honest and true to myself and said, "that is the stuff, I believe, that makes us ill". By this time I could see that he was looking down at his dinner plate - he replied, "oh, I will just get my wife to say "no" for me". I again spoke up and said, "from my own experience, that too will make you sick - when I stand tall in whom I am, and truly draw the line in the stand for me - people are certain of my intentions and situations go away from me - no hiding, no avoiding, no nothing...end of story PERIOD

And I shared with him, the beauty of all of this, what I have found true to me, is that I didn't have to make up big, untrue stories, or excuses, or be nasty, or have a big argument. It was pure and simple, "no".

What I am also very clear about, is that I can change my mind...if I happen to not want to today, then all I have to say is, "no, not today".

This week has been an amazing week for me. I have had many conversations that have made a difference in someone's life because they told me so. I am doing an information session next weekend and last night gained so much information about where and how to contact the military and the universities.

I didn't push the river and life unfolded for me - I am even getter clearer on the meaning of "life unfolds exactly as it needs to" - there has been amazing Purpose for me - my life just gets bigger...all I do each morning is ask this question, "how does the lifeforce that I am, choose to live today"...

Aloha! I send to my family in Hawaii right now!

love, laughter and FUN!!!!

oh breathing is good right now!!!

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