Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Not incremental change - I have taken a HUGE LEAP!

It is interesting to me that no longer do I have this unquenchable thirst... yes, it has lasted for several months in fact, since EF:EW at Oceanstone, near Peggy's Cove, at the end of February - now, it is almost two months later, the end of April....and I am pleased for myself that I stayed with the chaos in my body and the unknown these past few months, all being certain, grounded and staying right in my body - knowing that I am perfectly okay - funny how to look back, it was huge information that was metabolizing...unlike when I had this unquenchable thirst two years ago; the medical world diagnose me as type 2"diabetic" and because my blood sugar levels didn't come down to their normal range (4 to 7) after six months, convinced me of taking insulin. I believed that insulin was the last answer and what comes next after insulin...It was a nurse in the diabetic clinic that convinced me right on the spot to take insulin. She felt since my dad had kidney failure and was on dialysis for many years that I needed to not play around and start insulin right there. Is this good, bad, right or wrong. NO!Man, the first time, which was that night, when I was taking the insulin pen - I had this deadening shiver go through my body when I ejected the needle in my stomach - for a stop gap second, wondered if I shot myself...at that point in my life, that was a huge metaphor of how I was living my life...What is coming up for me is how I looked outside myself for my own answers that are inside. How I was unable to allow myself to ask the bigger questions and to be okay in all my chaos. How I have never been taught that the amazing burning energy I feel though out my body is transforming for me, propelling me into my emerging future. How I would quickly shut down any fire moving in me. How it was not good for me to speak my truth because i would be ignored or worse, be shunned by ones that I was choosing to love or be loved by. Man, it was way easier to move completely away from everyone - and then, how fun was it when I isolated myself, even from my immediate family, my husband and son...not that anyone knew, or did they? Even as I finishing writing down that last question, how I would manipulate and worse, manipulate myself...I am very grateful for the people that have come into my life this past year. I am celebrating my 1st year anniversary of taking my first Wel-Systems course last May. Has it been easy? No, it hasn't always been easy...I stand here right now, and just marvel at how much different I am from a year ago. It is hard to believe this for myself, and I want to say that I am hugely more magnificent in my imperfections than I have ever been in my life. I always heard this, and thought it was kind of corny but I must say out loud, "that I love myself". This is the first time in my life that I can say that I love being ME. I love me with all my warts, laughter, sorrow, confusion, willing to find clarity for myself. My life has changed, no, not incremental change, yet quantum change. Quantum Leap!!! Hard to believe this can happen so quickly and it did. This can happen for each of us. All it took is to step out of my own way then show up for MY OWN LIFE!!!

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